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The topic of MATSUMI Ladies Clinic Mita English blog is 1st Asian Conference of Reproductive Immunology.


I will inform you my presentation.


Evidence for Correlation between Novel Autoantibody against Phospholipid Named Neoself Antibody (β2GPI/HLA-DR) and Complement Consumption in Infertile Patients


Hirotaka Matsumi

MATSUMI Ladies Clinic Mita


Purpose: Complement consumption is progressing in patients with IVF, and anticardiolipin and anti-β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) antibodies are associated with adverse IVF outcomes because antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) are associated with impaired implantation.


Recently, autoantibodies against β2GPI in complex with HLA class II molecules (β2GPI/HLA-DR) named neoself antibodies have been reported to be associated with infertility.


The present study investigated the relationship between neoself antibodies and complement consumption in infertile patients with impaired implantation.


Methods: Serum antibody titers of neo-self antibodies were measured in 102 women without other factors, such as tubal and severe male factors. 


We measured serum levels of complement component 3 (C3), complement component 4 (C4), and total hemolytic complement (CH50).


In addition, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was also measured to evaluate inflammation status.

Correlations between neoself antibodies and C3, C4, CH50, and CRP were analyzed.


Results: Among the 102 patients, one had a CRP of 2.26 mg/dl, and three had antibody titers of 200 U/ml or higher.


Thus, 98 patients were enrolled in this study.

Twelve (11.8%) women were positive for neo-self-antibodies (cutoff: 73.3 U/ ml).


The serum levels of C3 and C4 were significantly decreased with higher titers of neoself antibodies in these recruited patients (P=0.044 and P=0.015).

There was no significant difference between CH50 and neoself antibodies.


Conclusion: The present study revealed that complement consumption correlates with the titer of neoself antibodies in impaired implantation in infertile patients and might be a marker of implantation failure.


Keywords: implantaion failure, C3 and C4, β2GPI/HLA-DR