English blog (46) : Evolution (2)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (46) : Evolution (2)

English blog (46) : Evolution (2)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in December is about evolution.

In the second part, I create an article about the evolution of humans.


What would be our origin?

How did humans evolve?

Humans and apes have common ancestors, “ape-like creatures”, who lived in Africa.


However, humans and apes evolved separately 10 to 12 million years ago.

The great apes related to modern gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans started to live in tropical rainforests.

The group associated with us lived in savannah, a vast open field with fewer trees.


Four legs were not necessary for surviving in savannah.

Walking with back legs was faster so that they were able to catch animals easily.

Then, they began to use their hands to carry things.

Over time, their brain also developed to adapt to the environment.


In contrast, the other groups lived surrounded in the forest, unrelated to us, had a more relaxed life because plenty of trees and food were around.

Four legs were suitable to survive in the woodland.

That is why their appearance stays the same, and the brain has not developed as much as humans.


The origin of us is thought to be Homo species, such as Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

Among them, Homo sapiens, who were close to us, succeeded and invented writing and social organization over time.

Homo is a biological name of human, and sapiens means “thought.”

Homo sapiens is “Thinking Man.”