English blog (7) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (7) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (1)

English blog (7) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in December is about oxytocin and happy feelings.

In the first part, I will create an article for this theme suitable for easy reading.


Do you fancy having a great loving life?

“Hugging” is an easy way to make you feel happy because it triggers an oxytocin production in the brain.


Oxytocin, a small protein-like chemical (peptide hormone or neuropeptide in the medical word) produced in the part of the brain, named hypothalamus and secreted from the nearby pituitary gland, is also known as “cuddle hormone” or “love hormone.”


Oxytocin helps making social bonds better and closer.

People who enjoy cuddle-filled life have a feeling more closely connected with your family or friends, and more confident in your health and social situations.

Especially for women, keep in mind that oxytocin helps mothers having closely and loving relationships with their babies.

Research shows that a newborn baby sleeps well and cries less with cuddling of a mother, who is unstressed and feels comfortable.


Cuddling also relaxes the mother and induces breastfeeding more easily.

Not only that, it also boosts baby’s immune system and promotes brain growth.


The feel-good hormone is crucial in a romantic relationship.

Hugging, kissing or touching gives you feeling loved.


After a stressful day, you are annoyed and irritated so that you want to be alone.

Don’t shut your door!

Instead, why not hug your loved one?

It will change your mood and bring a happy feeling.

It works!


December is notorious for many parties and gatherings.

Are you a party lover?

Or feel nervous?


Don’t worry.

Remember, oxytocin helps you.

Oxytocin eases your anxiety and boosts confidence.

Many more cuddlings make you feel merrier and happier on social occasions.


Even cuddling your pet or favorite items, it releases this fantastic chemical into your body and makes you feel happy.


Do you want to cuddle now?

To know more about oxytocin, please read part 2 and 3.