English blog (9) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (3)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (9) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (3)

English blog (9) : Oxytocin and Happy feelings (3)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in December is about oxytocin and happy feelings.

In the first and the second part, I created articles for the basic functions of this hormone.


In summary, oxytocin plays crucial roles in your well-being.

Therfore, understanding oxytocin is helpful to control your health and establish better relationships with people.

In this last part, I will introduce other amazing aspects of oxytocin’s functions.


Oxytocin profoundly links to a child-birth for women.

When this hormone stimulates the uterine muscle to contract, many pregnant women feel uncomfortable, and it turns to pain.


The question pops up

“Is my labour is coming soon?”

and many women feel nervous.


However, you don’t need to worry because oxytocin helps you.

It increases the function of the chemicals named prostaglandins which help the cervical os of the uterus soft, because the uterus is more sensitive to them.

If your labour process is slow or the labour does not start naturally, a doctor sometimes injects the synthetic oxytocin to help the labour process faster or begin naturally.


Once your baby is born, oxytocin continuously works to stimulate milk production for the baby.

When your baby grows up and stops sucking your breasts, the secretion of oxytocin stops until the next feeding.


For men, oxytocin is related to their sperm and affects the production of testosterone.

Oxytocin also triggers sexual intimacy.

Particularly, during the early stage of a romantic relationship, a higher amount of oxytocin is produced.

Even looking at the partner’s photo triggers a surge of this hormone, which pleases him very much.


Not only that, but also oxytocin affects your heart and kidney to adjust the moisture content in the body by changing the quantity of blood and urine.


Taken together, oxytocin plays crucial roles in your physical, emotional and sexual health.

The neurochemical, oxytocin is an essential nutrient for your well-being.


Try flowing oxytocin into the body for your happiness!

Happy Xmas!!