English blog (23) : Mother (2)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (23) : Mother (2)

English blog (23) : Mother (2)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in May is about a mother.

In the first part, I created an article about how to enjoy maternity life for a new mother.

This second part is an article about amazing animals’ maternal instincts.


Do you think that humans are the only creature which has a maternal instinct?

Interestingly, animals have the same.

Seemingly, it is programmed to take care of their babies and preserve the species.

Some particular animals show incredible maternal instincts.

Here I introduce three creatures, which have amazing maternal instincts.


1 Orangutans

Their bond is remarkably strong like humans.

Before babies become two-year old, mothers feed and carry them anywhere.

Mothers teach them how to survive for six to seven years.

Before female children reach 16-year old, they visit their mothers.


2 Elephants

Elephants are famous for their maternal instincts.

When they travel in herds, they always put youngers inside their circle for protection.

A leader of the pack adjusts the walking pace to enable little ones to keep up with them.

When babies face danger, mothers fight with teeth and nails.

Even fierce predators can be killed in a flash.

Another female in a group adopts an orphan when its’ mother dies.

Elephants bury the dead body with leaves or twigs.

Years later, they revisit the place where one of their group was buried.


3 Octopuses

After laying large amounts of eggs, mothers keep oxygenating babies and fending off bacteria by fanning them.

During taking care of their eggs, they don’t eat anything and keep staying in the same area to protect the eggs.

Surprisingly, the most prolonged period observed is about five years.

After the eggs hatch, mothers blow out the little ones.

Once babies become independent in the wild, mothers die due to starvation.


These maternal instincts like us are intimate, impressive and incredible.