English blog (31) : アメリカのCOVID-19事情:スタッフブログ(178)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (31) : アメリカのCOVID-19事情:スタッフブログ(178)

English blog (31) : アメリカのCOVID-19事情:スタッフブログ(178)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍




Hello everyone!

Welcome to Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita blog page.

I am one of the staff members here at the clinic, serving as a medical scribe and secretary to the director, Dr. Hirotaka Matsumi.


As a rising senior at Columbia University in New York, I study biology and comparative literature and am on the premedical track.

Working at the clinic provides me with the opportunity to work with an exceptionally talented team of doctors, nurses, and staff.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to leave my university and return home to Japan in mid-March.

From then until mid-May, I took all of my classes online.

This included math and science courses that would directly inform my future medical profession, such as organic chemistry and calculus.

Although I had been working as an intern at a hospital in New York, we were asked to leave our post until further notice.


Pressure is placed on medical professionals now more than ever.

None of them had signed up for this overwhelming influx of patients who have gotten sick due to the coronavirus.

In New York, we also saw as people of Asian descent were verbally and physically harassed in public spaces.

What if these individuals are doctors or medical personnel, working hard every day to treat their patients?

What are we, as aspiring physicians, to make of this phenomenon?

Healthcare workers are putting their own health and safety on the line to help their patients but where does the line get drawn?


This pandemic has raised a multitude of societal, economic, and ethical issues that we will continue to investigate as we prepare for the second wave of COVID-19.

We at the Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita will continue to do all we can to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients and their families.