English blog (42) : Eggs and Ovaries (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (42) : Eggs and Ovaries (1)

English blog (42) : Eggs and Ovaries (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in November is about eggs and ovaries.

In the first part, I create an article about eggs.


What do “Eggs” evoke you?

Breakfast, muffin, cakes, custard cream or chicken?

Probably, not so many people image human’s eggs, though it is crucially important for us.


Human eggs are vital for fertility.

Every female is born with her eggs inside her ovaries.

When you are a fetus in your mother’s womb, your mother carried your eggs cells that may be grown into her grandchild.


The egg cell is huge and visible with the naked eye, comparing to other parts of body cells.

The thickness is about a strand of hair.

Women ovulate around 400 to 500 eggs in their lifetimes, while male release more sperm per ejaculation.

It is significantly fewer so that eggs are precious.

Oocytes are a medical term for eggs.


How about animals?

Sea turtles are particularly famous for laying a considerable amount of eggs.

They lay 100-125 eggs per nest and do it multiple times every two weeks during several months.

Interestingly, the sex of sea turtles is influenced by the sand temperature in the nest.

Cool sand produces male hatchlings, whilst warmer sand produces female hatchlings.

That is different from human.


As a child, my mother frequently cooked egg dishes for me and used to say

“If you want to be clever and smart, eat eggs a lot!”

It was quite persuasive for a kid, whether it is right or wrong.


The fact is eggs are rich in nutrition.

A nice variety of fish and fish eggs are sold in many supermarkets in Japan.

Many people enjoy cod-eggs daily.

In particular, fresh salmon eggs are regarded as a delicacy.

Undoubtedly, eggs are a good source of health.