English blog (53) : Blood (4)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (53) : Blood (4)

English blog (53) : Blood (4)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

The topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog in April is about blood.

In the final part, I create an article about abnormal uterine bleeding, which is abnormal blood flow from the uterus to the vagina.


Abnormal uterine bleeding is a frequent symptom in gynecology.

It may affect the physical, emotional and occupational aspects of a womon’s life, impairing the quality of life.

Possible causes of abnormal uterine bleeding are as listed below.


①:Cancer and precancerous lesions such as cervical cancer and endometrial cancer

②:Fluctuations in hormone levels due to endocrine factors such as polycystic ovary syndrome

③:Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage

④:Vaginal atrophy

⑤:Infectious diseases such as cervicitis and vaginitis

⑥:Coagulopathies (coagulation disorders) such as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and other blood coagulation disorders

⑦:Noncancerous growths such as cervical polyps and endometrial polyps

⑧:Uterine fibroids and adenomyosis

⑨:Trauma such as blunt trauma or penetrating injury to the vagina or cervix


Treatment in the acute phase aims to hemodynamically stabilize the patient and stop excessive bleeding, while treatment in the chronic phase is based on the correction of menstrual dysfunction.

Treatment can be surgical or pharmacological, the latter being primarily based on hormonal therapy.