English blog (1) : Diet and Menstruation (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

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English blog (1) : Diet and Menstruation (1)

English blog (1) : Diet and Menstruation (1)|まつみレディースクリニック|港区・田町・浜松町の産科・婦人科・不妊|女医在籍

For foreigners, Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita will release some English articles every month from now on.

Today’s topic of Matsumi Ladies Clinic Mita English blog is about the relationship between diet and irregular menstruation.

In the first and the second part, I will create this theme suitable for easy reading.


When a period shows up unexpectedly, you must feel annoyed and nervous, and worry;
“What’s happening? I could have some disease.”

However, most cases are not severe, but ignorance is not helpful because it is a sign that something is wrong in your body.


A regular menstruating cycle occurs 25-38 days and lasts from 3-7 days, although it has a little variation.

If your period cycle is shorter than 25 days or lasts longer than seven, or your period stops for more than three months for some reason except for pregnancy or menopause, it is considered as an irregular period cycle.

Many women experience such an irregularity at least once in their lives.


Here are common causes that could interfere in your regular period.

“Diet and weight”

Diet and weight are the most common culprits of menstruation irregularities.

Too much consumption of carbohydrates, fatty food, alcoholic beverages causes overweight.

Excess body weight makes ovarian functions including eggs (medical word: oocytes) growth and reproductive hormone production disrupt.

As a result, it fluctuates the quantity of the production of the reproductive hormone called estrogen, which builds your uterine lining and produces a period.

Overweight disturbs the estrogen levels, which cause an unbalance that results in the irregularity.


The same condition happens when you become underweight, or by a crash diet causing a significant weight loss for a short time.

It also affects ovarian functions and leads to decreases of production of estrogen.


Regularity of the reproduction hormone, estrogen, from the ovary is essential to have a monthly period.